Environmental assets
The subdivision for Oceana Drive Link has been undertaken with consideration of the impacts on the conservation significance of the Rokeby Hills to the east of Oceana Rise. The Hills are of national and state level conservation significance.
Key communities and species are found on, or visit, the Hills:
- There are areas of silvery leafed Risdon Peppermint, a tree that currently occurs primarily on the Meehan Range – Rokeby Hills system in the Clarence municipality;
- In late winter and early Spring wildflowers emerge on the Hills including areas of Chocolate Lily;
- Delicate herb fields occur on rock plates;
- Swift parrots forage on the blossom of Blue Gums along the Hills.
Council’s long term planning for the Rokeby Hills anticipates a Skyline Walk along the Rokeby Hills from Rokeby Road down to Droughty Point.
The Coventry Rise subdivision
The Coventry Rise subdivision is being constructed in accordance with a framework for protection of environmental values on the Rokeby Hills agreed with the Tasmanian Government under the Threatened Species Protection Act and approved in accordance with the Federal Government Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act.
The framework provides for offsetting losses that do occur during subdivision by protecting the woodland along the Rokeby Hills by a Conservation Covenant and a Vegetation Management Agreement.
Rokeby Hills conservation management

As part of the subdivision process, a Vegetation Management Agreement for conservation-oriented property management has been drawn up for the adjacent area of Rokeby Hills bushland.
The operation of the Agreement will result in:
- requirements regarding the manner of development, subdivision, location and design of houses, driveways etc;
- over 50 ha of the Rokeby Hills being placed under a Conservation Covenant in accordance with the Nature Conservation Act;
- securing the land in perpetuity as a Private Forest Reserve;
- protection of populations of four threatened plant species including the Risdon peppermint and the chocolate lily;
- securing important stands of blue gum, foraging habitat for the endangered swift parrot;
- preparation of a Management Plan to guide future land use, addressing: weed management and tree planting, fire management, unauthorized vehicular and public access
It is anticipated that there may be some public openspace walkways in addition to private lots.
Chocolate Lily
Risdon Peppermint
Swift Parrot